OUCHI LAB. Institute of Industrial Science, the University of Tokyo.OUCHI LAB.


The inaugural symposium of the Research Center for Sustainable Materials and Energy Integration


On Thursday, July 21, the inaugural symposium of the Research Center for Sustainable Materials and Energy Integration was held online. The symposium began with opening remarks by Professor Toru H. Okabe, Director General of IIS, followed by an introduction of the center by Professor Naoki Shikazono, Director of this center, and then lectures by center members on current and future research topics. The symposium introduced attractive research themes, including those that will be conducted jointly, in a wide variety of fields toward the realization of a sustainable society, such as the direction of future energy supply and demand systems, new energy storage devices, sustainable ironmaking processes, nonferrous metal electrochemical processes that can utilize variable renewable energy, nitrogen oxide recycling, nanometallic materials, and so on. The seminar was a great success with 212 attendees from industry, academia, and government. We will continue to promote research activities while deepening discussions with related industry, academia, and government officials.